Out now: The ultimate guide to job architecture – 2022

Reworked with learnings from our latest projects

The echoes of changing market dynamics are ringing deep in organizations. Globalization increased competition, digitalization brings new technologies and business models and a new generation of employees with different expectations has entered working life. The volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment leads to an increased speed of organizational change and highlights the need for workforce transformation.

HR leaders and business executives are busy improving their workforces with a focus on skills and competencies. They are trying to upskill people or bring new talent into the organization to match the future needs of their business strategy. This requires a clear visibility into the current state of the workforce in all its details. But only a minority of organizations can actually claim to have the workforce transparency they need.

The unequivocally best solution to gain transparency and enable transformation initiatives involving HR is by building a job architecture. Even though the design process is elaborate, any organization can master it. Especially with the support of a software which makes the process manageable.

We gathered everything you need to know in our reworked and free white paper The ultimate guide to job architecture – 2022 so you don’t have to do it. Updated with the experience from our latest projects and in a new structure to facilitate reading. Download from the link above or on our white papers page.

We wish you success on your design journey. Schedule a demo if our software can be of help in your process.